Effective on native soils

TriCure continues to be the strongest wetting agent in the Mitchell Products’ line, but we know there are some circumstances that might require a lower cost product.

TFAIR was developed as a lower cost option for large turf areas like fairways and roughs. Use on large areas with native soil to prevent hydrophobic soil conditions when TriCure isn’t an option.



TFAIR was specifically designed to improve water infiltration into native soils. Use of this product ensures even water distribution throughout the rootzone and around all soil particles, thereby reducing run-off, improving irrigation efficiency, and preventing the development of LDS.

Applications of TFAIR work best if applied to turfgrass before the onset of localized dry spot or drought stress. TFAIR is non-phytotoxic and does not need to be watered-in immediately.

  • Non-phytotoxic
  • Improves water movement into native soils
  • Cost-effective low application rates
  • Facilitates the uniform movement of water into the rootzone
  • Prevents soil water repellency and improves water conservation